Electronics: The Maplin Magazine (September 1984 - November 1984)

Electronics: The Maplin Magazine (September 1984 - November 1984)

Written by: Pete Luckhurst



Time to read 1 min

The September-November 1984 issue of "Electronics - The Maplin Magazine" is a deep dive into the exciting world of DIY electronics, offering a range of projects, features, and updates that cater to both beginners and experienced hobbyists.

 Highlighting this issue is the comprehensive guide to building a RTTY Unit, offering enthusiasts a cost-effective way to explore radio teletype communications. Other notable projects include the Computadrum, turning your home computer into a drum synthesizer, a versatile Light Pen for creative computing, and a PWM Motor Driver for advanced model control. The issue also embarks on a journey with a unique navigation system for boats, leveraging the ZX81 computer for improved maritime navigation. With additional insights into machine code programming, the CMOS digital integrated circuit family, and practical tips for fault finding in projects, this issue is packed with valuable content. 

Dive into Maplin Electronics Magazine for a blend of practical DIY electronics projects, insightful features, and the latest technological advancements designed to inspire and educate electronics enthusiasts.

Table of Contents:

  • Projects:

    • RTTY Unit: Detailed construction guide for a radio teletype unit, enabling affordable computer communications via radio frequencies.
    • Computadrum: Transform your home computer into a drum synthesizer with tunable drums and varied timbres.
    • Light Pen: Create drawings on your TV or interact with software using this easy-to-build light pen.
    • PWM Motor Driver: A performance-focused motor driver for 6V and 12V motors, suitable for model boats, cars, and robotics.
    • Five Easy Pieces: Explore five circuits including a personal medium wave radio, telephone amplifier, rpm meter, tremolo unit, and a model train chuffer.
  • Features:

    • The ZX81 & Your Boat: Utilize the ZX81 computer for advanced boat navigation, covering tide calculations, wind speed, and automated steering.
    • Electronic Chronicles: Dive into the late 19th century to uncover the pioneers who shaped the electronics age.
    • Machine Code Programming with the 6502: Further exploration into the capabilities of the 6522 chip and practical applications.
    • First Base: A closer look at CMOS digital integrated circuits with practical circuit applications.
    • Project Fault Finding: Start of a new series focused on troubleshooting common issues in DIY electronics projects.
    • All About Telephones: Insightful article on the workings of telephones and the use of phone connectors.
    • Measurements in Electronics: Specialized test equipment for digital circuit fault finding.
    • Dwell Angle Measurements: Techniques for using a multimeter to measure dwell angle more accurately than traditional methods.
    • Connections Made Easy: Guide to using the new IDC connectors for efficient and reliable connections.
  • News:

    • Comprehensive updates including the 1985 catalogue, classified advertisements, corrections to previous publications, new book releases, and changes in product prices. Results from the readership survey and information on Maplin shops and subscription details are also included.

About the author

Pete Luckhurst is a Website Manager at Maplin.

After getting an early start in the world of computing with C64 & Amiga computers, Pete now spends much of his spare time in PC VR and dabbling in game development. He also has a strong interest in film, photography and music.

Among other endeavours, he previously worked in a Maplin store, so it was a no-brainer when the opportunity arose to work on the modern incarnation of Maplin online. Besides writing for the blog, Pete works alongside the Maplin team to help keep the online store running smoothly.

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