Rechargeable Batteries

What are Rechargeable Batteries?

Rechargeable batteries are reusable alternatives to disposables, commonly used in household devices like remotes, toys, and flashlights. Typically made from NiMH or lithium-ion, they can be recharged hundreds of times, reducing waste and saving money. Rechargeable batteries come in various sizes, including AA. AAA, C, D and 9V. Proper care and compatible chargers help extend their lifespan, making them an eco-friendly choice.

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AA batteries are standard-sized, versatile power sources commonly used in household devices like remotes, toys, and flashlights



AAA batteries are small, cylindrical batteries commonly used in low-power devices like remote controls and portable electronics


Other Sizes

We also offer batteries in other sizes including C, D and 9V



How long do rechargeable batteries last?

Rechargeable batteries can typically last for hundreds to thousands of charge cycles, depending on their type and usage. Proper care, such as avoiding overcharging, extends their lifespan.

How long does it take to charge rechargeable batteries?

Charging times vary based on the battery type and charger. Fast chargers can take 1-3 hours, while standard chargers may take 6-8 hours.

Are rechargeable batteries environmentally friendly?

Rechargeable batteries are more eco-friendly than disposables because they reduce waste and resource consumption. However, they must be recycled properly at the end of their lifespan.

Can I use rechargeable batteries in any device?

Most devices that use standard sizes like AA, AAA, C, D, and 9V batteries are compatible with rechargeable ones. However, check the device's specifications for voltage requirements.

Do rechargeable batteries lose their charge over time?

Yes, most rechargeable batteries gradually lose charge when not in use. This is called self-discharge. Lithium-ion batteries hold their charge longer than NiMH ones.

Can I mix rechargeable and disposable batteries in a device?

No, mixing different types of batteries can lead to uneven performance and potentially damage the device.