Battery Testers

What is a Battery Tester?

Our handy, compact Maplin Battery Tester features an easy-to-read display. It is suitable for testing most household batteries and button cells, measuring the batteries under load to accurately indicate their charge status.

Suitable for testing AA, AAA, C, D, 9V PP3 batteries and button cells, it features a display needle that indicates "good" (green), "low" (yellow), and "replace/recharge" (red).

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Battery Tester

Suitable for testing AA, AAA, C, D, 9V PP3 batteries and button cells

 Handy, compact battery tester  Suitable for testing AA, AAA, C, D and 9V PP3 batteries and button cells  Accurately indicate charge status  Easy to read analog display  Needle indicates "good", "low" and "replace/recharge"


Stock up on our alkaline AA and AAA batteries at the same time



What is an analogue battery tester?

An analogue battery tester is a tool used to measure the voltage or charge level of a battery. It typically has a needle gauge that moves along a scale, showing the battery's state of charge. These testers are usually simple to use and can test various types of batteries, such as AA, AAA, 9V, and others.

How does an analogue battery tester work?

The tester works by placing the battery in contact with two metal probes that are connected to an internal circuit. The battery’s voltage causes a current to flow, moving the needle on the gauge to indicate whether the battery is fully charged, partially charged, or discharged.