Electronics: The Maplin Magazine (December 1985 - Februrary 1986)
Time to read 1 min
Time to read 1 min
The December 1985-February 1986 issue of Electronics: The Maplin Magazine offers a rich array of electronics projects, features, and regular columns catering to hobbyists and professionals alike. The projects in this issue include a Video Digitiser, a Mixing It amplifier, a GoKhali Printer controller, a Hobbyist's Temperature Controller, an ASCII Keyboard, and a Play Along Mixer. Each project is detailed with specifications, construction guides, and potential applications. Feature articles explore the principles of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), the history of radio, operations within Maplin’s Mail-Order Warehouse, and an introduction to machine code programming with the Z80 microprocessor. Regular columns provide updates on Amstrad products, catalog amendments, classified ads, and top kits and books.