Electronics: The Maplin Magazine (September 1982 - November 1982)

Electronics: The Maplin Magazine (September 1982 - November 1982)

Written by: Pete Luckhurst



Time to read 1 min

The September-November 1982 issue of "Electronics: The Maplin Magazine" kicks off with the first of a brand new series on the role of satellites in communications and broadcasting, providing readers with an in-depth look into the future of media. DIY enthusiasts will revel in building a versatile Telephone Exchange, capable of supporting up to 32 extensions with push-button or rotary dialling. Explore the precision of a Frequency Counter, safeguard your property with an Ultrasonic Intruder Detector, and delve into the intricacies of Nickel Cadmium Cells. Additional highlights include a remote controller for your amplifier, a detailed look at the ZX81 PIO board, and a complete Maplin price list. Whether you're keen on enhancing your home security system or eager to experiment with advanced electronic projects, this issue has everything you need to elevate your electronics hobby.

Table of Contents:

  • Editorial & News:

    • Introduction to the latest trends and advancements in electronics.
    • Overview of new exhibitions in London focusing on electronics and hobbies.

  • Featured Projects:

    • Satellites in Communications and Broadcasting: Dive into the revolutionary impact of satellites on media.
    • Telephone Exchange: Build a high-functionality telephone exchange for up to 32 extensions.
    • Frequency Counter: Construct an 8-digit frequency counter with high reliability for both mains and 12V operations.
    • Ultrasonic Intruder Detector: Secure large areas with a simple, low-cost unit.
    • Nickel Cadmium Cells: A comprehensive guide on everything about NiCd batteries.

  • DIY Projects:

    • Remote controller for amplifier: Enhance your audio experience with remote volume adjustments.
    • ZX81 PIO Board: Expand the capabilities of your ZX81 with a PIO board.

  • Technical Features:

    • Basically BASIC: Further exploration into BASIC programming.
    • Starting Point: A continuation of the introductory guide for beginners in electronics.
    • Working With Op-Amps Part 3: Deep dive into operational amplifiers and their applications.

  • Regular Sections:

    • Corrections and Amendments to Catalogue: Updates to product listings and corrections.
    • Atari Computer News: The latest developments and offerings from Atari.
    • Classified Advertisements: A space for readers to buy, sell, or exchange electronic components and tools.
    • Electronic Hobbies Fair Details: An overview of the upcoming Electronics Hobbies Fair.
    • Subscriptions & Special Offers: Information on how to subscribe to the magazine and current promotions.

About the author

Pete Luckhurst is a Website Manager at Maplin.

After getting an early start in the world of computing with C64 & Amiga computers, Pete now spends much of his spare time in PC VR and dabbling in game development. He also has a strong interest in film, photography and music.

Among other endeavours, he previously worked in a Maplin store, so it was a no-brainer when the opportunity arose to work on the modern incarnation of Maplin online. Besides writing for the blog, Pete works alongside the Maplin team to help keep the online store running smoothly.

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